Find the group that’s right for you. Our ministries provide opportunities to build strong relationships with people who are at a similar life point. Worship together, learn together and grow together.

Kid's Ministry
At Kids For Christ (KFC) we want to partner with parents to guide their children toward a heart for God.
We deeply desire to reveal the love of Jesus to children by building relationships, engaging in meaningful play, and learning God’s Word - and to have lots of FUN while doing it!
God has musically gifted so many folks in the Body of Christ. When those gifts and talents fit together in a similar style in a church, the whole body can’t help but be built up.
Join us for worship every Sunday @ 10:10 am

At SIC (Soldiers In Christ) we believe more than ever that today’s adolescents need a Biblical Framework to guide their lives into adulthood.
Too many of our youth are tempted by whatever fad comes along, and they are compromising some of the best years of their lives. We’re here to help them conquer the distractions.
A monthly gathering of women of all ages for connection, encouragement and inspiration.
* DOZ - Daughters of Zion

The LWWC ushering team is responsible for all church protocols before, during and after services. The number one goal of the ministry is to minimize and eliminate distractions during the service.
Ushers stand ready to assist anyone in the congregation who might need help and to inform those in the sanctuary of any urgent matters.

LWWC men of excellence meet regularly to discuss various issues relevant to being a strong man of God.
We want today’s man to be all God called him to be, and know he’s not alone in leading himself or his family.

creative MINISTRY
This team is responsible for the staging and lighting, audio and Streaming and the social media activities of LWWC.
Young Adult
Young Adults is gathering for Connect Monthly on Friday!
We encourage you to join the young adults as they get together, have fellowship and grow in faith.

To join a ministry or request more information please subscribe below.